Let me start off by saying, the information I will share in this post is very likely to offend you. However, I will not offer an apology because this post is also very likely to jumpstart a new way of thinking that can move you to the next level in life.
So what is a belief and how can it bully you? A belief is something that is accepted, considered to be true or something believed. Once we have accepted something it becomes part of our reality. For example, we all have accepted that fact that daytime is followed by nighttime. We don't leave home each morning wondering if there will be scattered nighttime appearances. Thankfully we don't have to worry about random periods of darkness during our day do to a unplanned nighttime. We belief that there is a standing order due to our previous experiences with day and night. As followers of Christ we also believe what the Bible says about God establishing this order during creation. We feel comfortable planning our daily activities and routines according to these beliefs.
Warning, here comes the hard part... The Bible also says that we are more than conquerors, that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just, that we are joint heirs with Christ, that the peace of God lives inside of us, that we have favor in every situation and that our prayers do not go unanswered etc. If you're like me I bet there are some promises that you are not currently experiencing. So what does that say about your beliefs? I told you this would be difficult!
Let's look at this a little closer. There is a difference in knowing something and believing it. I grew up attending church, quoting scriptures and experiencing miracles regularly. Believing the word was not something that I had to intentionally work on. As I got older and additional influences came into my life in some areas the Bible became something that I knew instead of something that I believed. Never did I say out loud "I don't think this is true", but consistently seeing alternative influences and opinions without intentionally counteracting them by spending time in prayer and meditation on the Word left me unconsciously experiencing doubt.
The solution... In areas where we are not experiencing the full promises of God we must examine what are beliefs really are. You know a tree by it's fruit, right? Once you've identified an area of disbelief s schedule time to research what God said/promised us regarding that area. Say it out loud, write it down, look up a praise/worship songs that repeat that promise. We must begin to persuade our hearts/change our beliefs back to the true reality (God's reality).
#1 to don't beat yourself up for falling short. God already knew it was going to happen that's why He sent Jesus
#2 Guard your heart from things that will cause doubt to enter your heart/beliefs
#3 Reinforce the word of God. Make it a daily practice to review and experience HIs promises.
With all of the pitfalls this age has to offer there are just as many advantages. If you are interested in some of the available programs and study guides accessable leave me a comment and I can suggest some that I have used, enjoyed and gained value from.
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