How are you sleeping?


Believe it or not, sleep is more than a big timeout! I hear a lot of well meaning people say " I'll sleep when I'm dead." And I understand the intention behind wanting to maximize the time you've been given. However, not getting adequate sleep does so much harm to your mind and body that it's simply not worth the trade off.

Experts have discovered that one day of poor sleep quality and quantity puts the body into a state that is equivalent to having diabetes! Thankfully this is repairable! Also, research has shown that being sleep deprived and operating a vehicle is just as dangerous as being legallly drunk and doing so, Yikes!

Each part or our bodies all the way down to the cells repair themselves while we are sleeping. The brain process thoughts, emotions and even clears waste while we are asleep. And, lets not forget that sleep disturbances are a common occurrence with those who sufffer from depression( see the relationship??).

Let's use weight lifting and exercise as an example of how sleep works. We lift weights and exercise to work our muscles to the point of fatigue to achieve those micro-tears so that while we rest they will rebuild stronger than they previously were. Exercise + rest = Gains. Sleep is a time of rebuilding and for optimal performance mentally and physically during the day we need optimal sleep at night.

I encourage you to make it a priority to get good rest as often as possible. Try following these tips to improve your sleep hygiene.

1. Set a regular bedtime and stick to it. Our bodies like routines and schedules  Google circadian rhythms for more details.

2. Decrease or eliminate caffeine use. Especially after the noon hour. Caffeine stays in our systems far longer than the initial jolt we experience at first use and could be hindering your quality and quantity of restful sleep.

3. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime. The lights used in most electronic devices sends a signal to our brains that it's day time and blocks the production of melatonin (the hormone that makes us sleepy and triggers rest). So that means tv, cellphones and laptops/tablets too!

In my practice I've made these suggestions to countless clients and those that followed saw excellent results. Reduced depressive symptoms, reported less stressful feelings, reduced cravings, increased mental clarity, weight loss and increased productivity. I'm not selling you false hope I'm telling you what I've witnessed!

 **Resource: Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson it's available on Amazon and Audible. I recommend it to my clients.

As Always you can connect with me on Twitter @My_SolutionsHSV & Instagram @MyJourneyCounseling


~Stay Blessed~ 

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