Just Do It, Just Start Moving

Just Do It, Just Start Moving

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! This week I have so much to be thankful for... one of the things I am most thankful for is the fact that I have developed a routine of going to the gym and exercising almost daily! Truth be told, I usually don't stick to anything for this long... diets, exercise, relationships etc. But this time it's REAL!  I truly look forward to getting in the gym or going to the track or getting with a group of friends and really sweating! What made it different for me this time? I think Reality settled in, I was Pre-diabetic and diagnosed with hypertension and I wasn't even 35 years old. I was terrified, what would my children do without me? What quality of life could I look forward to if I continued down this road? I can tell you, a life with no energy, poor sleep, poor concentration, poor self-esteem and poor self-confidence... I don't know about you, but even without weight loss the benefits out weigh the alternative. Start your journey, add something simply to your routine and build upon that. Trust me when I say your day to day happiness quotient is worth the effort. I can say that I truly love my life now even on the crappy days... and there have been lots of crappy days lately, but I am still happy about who I am and how I feel mentally and physically...#getmoving

What Have You Forgotten to Do?

Motivation Monday